Thank you for visiting ITDirt.com. We have just recently started this site, so please bear with us as we continue to add content each month. If you have any topics you would like us to discuss, please submit them here.

Note from the Editor

As a well-seasoned veteran in the world of IT, it is my goal to better educate the community through online articles, discussions, procedures, and learning from my many trials and tribulations along the way. I want to share my 25+ years of experience in the IT field in hopes that I can save others time, and money, by providing easy solutions to some of the most frustrating and common problems that you might face, professionally and at home. ITDirt.com gives me the ability to share my experiences and my passion for technology, development, and the many nuances of our industry. I also have a couple other great life lesson articles scattered around that you might find interesting too!

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have ideas, questions, or suggestions for our site. We greatly appreciate any feedback that you can offer that would make our site better for others.

Jonathan Ebersole

Recent Articles

April 2020

Apple Watch - Move Activity (Ring) Not Working

Recently I noticed that the move ring on my Apple Watch wasn’t progressing properly.

March 2020

Status quo is not always the way to go

Sometimes it’s easy… but then there are those other times we are thrown into a pandemic with little-to-no warning.

February 2019

Big Impact Upgrades on a Small Budget

Don’t want the cost of replacing your computer right now? Get some system performance suggestions that have the potential to make a big impact on a small budget!

November 2018

Tis the Season to be Spammed!

Information about that dirty four-letter ‘S’ word: Spam. How it works, what spammers are doing, and why. Plus, some tips and tricks to help you effectively manage your spam and what you can do in the future to reduce your spam.